NightSide with Dan Rea – Rundown for August 3, 2018

Scooters, Scooters Everywhere.....   Dockless scooters have sprung up all over Boston, Canbridge and beyond. They don't ask city permission and appear out of nowhere. Last month Bird out of California deployed 100 of the two wheelers in Cambridge and Somerville. The vehicles go as fast as 15mph and are geared to commuters not tourists. An app shows you where the scooter is located and you take it from there. Lawmakers say it could be a boon in the city but maybe not just yet. What do you say?  Call in and tell Dan what you think!

Racism at the New York Times and Elsewhere with Author Dan Flynn.   The New York Times recently named Sarah Jeong to it's editorial board despite the fact she publishes hate speech on her social media accounts including #CancelWhitePeople.  Columnist Dan Flynn says some racism appears to be more equal than others. Join the conversation!

Do Illegal Aliens Deserve the Same Rights as U.S. Citizens?   An illegal alien gang member in the sanctuary city of New York is accused of firing a gun on a public sidewalk. He now claims he has 2nd Amendment rights and is unfairly being charged with possession of a gun. Another illegal alien, who is in jail after being charged with child abuse in Utah, is receiving cancer treatment at the taxpayers expense. Do we owe people who have illegally crossed our borders the same rights and privileges that we get as citizens?  Feel free to weigh in! 

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation!

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