NightSide with Dan Rea – Rundown for October 15, 2018

Strong Evidence of Native American Ancestry.  Senator Elizabeth Warren has released the results of a DNA test showing she has distant Native American ancestry.  According to the report, "the great majority of (Warren's) identifiable ancestry is European." However, the report adds, "The analysis also identified 5 genetic segments as Native American in origin at high confidence."  Dan will be joined by Republican Candidate for Senate Geoff Diehl and Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson to discuss Warren’s DNA test.  Does this change your opinion on Warren?  Should Warren have waited until after the midterms?  Was the DNA test preparation for a run for the White House?  Call the show and join the discussion!

Bill’s Accusers Don’t Fit #MeToo?  In an interview on CBS’ “Sunday Morning,” Hillary Clinton said that her husband was right not to resign from the presidency in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.  When asked if it was an abuse of power, Clinton responded “No. No.”  Do you believe Clinton is being hypocritical with these comments?  Listen tonight and join the conversation!


Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation!

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