Recovering Addicts Say Running Helped Change Their Lives

Phoenix Boston Marathon Fundraising, recovering addicts

(The Phoenix's 2019 Boston Marathon fundraising page)

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Some runners will be participating in Monday’s Boston Marathon in support of recovering addicts.

Two individuals — Kelley Curley and Keith Russell — said running helped to change their lives. Russell is in recovery from opioids, and Curley is in recovery from alcohol. Both thought their lives would never be different, but running helped.

When he was still using, Russell went down to see the runners at the Boston Marathon and something sparked.

“All of the memories of this dream that I once had just kind of flowed back in. And, you know, I kind of re-realized that, ‘Wow. I used to actually dream about doing things,’” Russell said.

Russell and Curley are running to raise money for The Phoenix, an organization that works to help recovering addicts overcome shame using exercise.

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WBZ NewsRadio's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports

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