Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for July 17, 2019

Its Walsh Wednesday! Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is in studio with Dan to talk about traffic patterns, bike lanes, the Suffolk County D.A.'s new social justice policy and whatever else you want to bring up!

Comcast Wants You To Know..... Comcast Boston Senior Vice-President Tracy Pitcher and Comcast Customer Account Executive Cheryl Jacqueson, will be in air with Dan to share a couple tips and updates about their continued efforts to hire veterans. They also have news on their X1 Eye Control which helps disabled folks take control of their TV via X1. Get your questions ready!

Lynn Mother chases down Hit and Run Driver. Maria Donator of Lynn says she heard the crash when a pick up truck slammed into her son Daniel’s parked car and drove off into the night. She went after him and got his plate number. Did she do the right thing?

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation.

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