Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for January 17, 2020

Elizabeth Warren and Ethel Rosenberg. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is running to be the next Commander-in-Chief, asked President Obama back in 2016 to formally exonerate Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg. Ms. Rosenberg was executed by the United States for conspiracy to commit espionage in 1953. Is this an indicator that Sen Warren would follow a far left agenda if elected to the Oval Office?

Austin Goolsbee in the House. Top U.S. economist and University of Chicago professor Austin Goolsbee joins Dan in studio to discuss how the economy is doing and weigh the various proposed economic plans of the 2020 presidential contenders. Get your questions ready!

Witnesses or No Witnesses, That is the Question.....The impeachment trial has begun as has the battle over whether or not to call more witnesses or rest the allegations on whatever evidence has been provided by the House. Dan wants anyone who has ever had any connection to the Ukraine phone call in question to be called in the interest of full transparency. What do you want?

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation.

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