Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for January 21, 2020

Voting At 16? Massachusetts teens are lobbying to lower the voting age in municipal elections before a hearing is held tomorrow on Beacon Hill addressing the subject. Municipalities currently have to ask for approval from the Legislature if they want to allow anyone under 18 years old to vote.Most polls on the proposed amendment show strong opposition to the idea. Do you think 16 is too young to cast a ballot?

Phone Bans in Schools. Schools across the country are separating students from their cell phones to end classroom distractions.In the South Bronx. a charter school requires students to keep their cell phones in special foam pouches that can’t be accessed without a special magnetic unlocking mechanism. . In Fort Worth, Texas, they use an app called Pocket Points that tracks when kids touch their phones. Parents in Seattle sent school administrators dozens of thank-you notes and emails when they announced the school would require cell phones to be put away in a bag or locker for the day. Is banning cell phone use in school a good idea?

Is the Democratic Party Being Fair to Bernie Sanders? A Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll of likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters shows Senator Bernie Sanders is currently leading the pack. These numbers are coming out as Sen. Liz Warren tries to paint Bernie as someone who does not believe a woman can be president, CNN moderators slanted questions to make Bernie appear dishonest and Hillary Clinton declares no one likes Bernie in a new documentary. Is the Democratic National Committee trying to deep six Bernie again like they did in 2016?

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